Request a Trial
Hoodin is specifically designed to perform monitoring for a life science product throughout their entire life cycle. With Hoodin, you have the flexibility to set up monitoring for a specific product (brand name) or a product type (such as a device, IVD product, or drug.) The trial project you will have access to will be customized to monitor the product or product type of your preference.
You will get access to a 14- day free trial of Hoodin
Request a Trial
Hoodin is specifically designed to perform monitoring for a life science product throughout their entire life cycle. With Hoodin, you have the flexibility to set up monitoring for a specific product (brand name) or a product type (such as a device, IVD product, or drug.) The trial project you will have access to will be customized to monitor the product or product type of your preference.
You will get access to a 14- day free trial of Hoodin
Request a Trial
Hoodin is specifically designed to perform monitoring for a life science product throughout their entire life cycle. With Hoodin, you have the flexibility to set up monitoring for a specific product (brand name) or a product type (such as a device, IVD product, or drug.) The trial project you will have access to will be customized to monitor the product or product type of your preference.
You will get access to a 14- day free trial of Hoodin
Anmälan till Bolagsstämma 2024
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dels vara upptagen som aktieägare i den av Euroclear Sweden AB framställda aktieboken den 6:e maj 2024,
dels anmäla sig till stämman senast den 8:e maj 2024.
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